Saturday, April 30, 2011

Interesting Facts about Sweden

Map of Sweden
Sweden is one of the Scandinavian countries and it is the third largest country in Western Europe. The capital city is Stockholm. It covers an area of about 174,000 sq mi (450,000 km²). 53% of Sweden's area is forest. Mountains and cultivated land contributes 11% and 8% respectively. Longest north-south distance: 978 mi (1,574 km). Longest east-west distance: 310 mi (499 km). The population of Sweden is 9.4 million inhabitants.
National Emblem of Sweden
Constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy are the forms of Government. The Riksdag, which is the national legislative assembly of Sweden consists of 349 members in one chamber.

National flag of Sweden
Swedish krona (SEK) is the currency of Sweden. The national language is Swedish. Few among the recognized minority languages are Sami (Lapp), Finnish, MeƤnkieli (Tornedalen Finnish), Yiddish, Romani Chib.
Swedish Krona
When it comes to religion, Sweden is very secularized. The Church of Sweden is Evangelical Lutheran, co-exists with many other beliefs. The average life of men and women are 79 years and 83 years respectively. Machinery, electronics and telecommunication, paper, pharmaceuticals, petroleum products, iron and steel, and foodstuffs are the most important export goods. Electronics and telecommunication, machinery, foodstuffs, crude oil, textiles and footwear, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and petroleum products are the most important goods which are imported.

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