Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Summer Solstice

The summer solstice is the moment when the sun assumes its greatest declination , that is, when it is at its highest in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere , north of the Tropic of Cancer.The sun is then in the zenith over the Tropic of Cancer .During the summer solstice when the sun is as high in the sky in Gavle , Sweden (60th parallel) as it does during the winter solstice , for example, Cairo , Egypt (30th parallel) in northern Africa .
When the sun is at its highest over the northern Italy to reach the same height as when it is at its lowest over the equator , the sun is at its highest over the equator at thespring and autumn equinoxes , and the lowest when it is winter or summer solstice.
At summer solstice, Earth's axis is tilted north of the maximum of the sun, which means that the northern hemisphere, then gets its longest day and shortest night.North of the Arctic Circle, the sun is not even down.
Around the summer solstice, Earth is the farthest from the sun, at aphelion .
At the summer solstice occurs this year's longest day and shortest night, which falls around June 21 in the northern hemisphere.The exact date may vary slightly from year to year depending on the year's location in the four-year shoots year period and the local meridian .

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