Irish people on an average consume 131.1 litres beer/year-2nd highest/capita next to Czech Republic.
Ireland costitution guarantees Freedom of worship.
Everyone above 65 years gets free bus and rail travel in Repulic.
Family name starts with ”Mac” or “O” which means "son-of" or "grandson-of" respectively.
Ireland has produced 4 winners of Nobel prize for Literature in the 20th century,one among them being George Bernard Shaw.
National Emblem-Harp. Only country to have musical instrument as its emblem.
No snakes in Ireland'.
Only country where abortion is still illegal.
More mobile phones in the country than people over there.
World's largest exporter of s/w.
Odd Irish b'day celebration is to lift the b'day child upside down and give his head a few gentle bumps on the ground for good luck. The number of bumps correspond to present age plus 1.
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