Thursday, July 2, 2009

Narrow Escape - Thrilling Seconds

Like us, dis guy 2 had a dream.

Like us, he 2 pushed his way into de crowded train

Like us, he 2 wanted to get going b4 he got delayed

Unlike us, he slipped nd fell in de gap b/w de train nd de platform at station

And 8 bogies went over him

Find out wat happened 2 dis man


De man obviously has a guardian angel nd supportive bystanders who told him exactly wat he shouldn't do - move. And so, de man lay absolutely still as 8 bogies of the train passed over him - cms 4m his head. Within seconds de 12-coach train passed nd de man clambered out, unaided, unhurt, bt 2 shocked to speak after his near-death experience.

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